Guide for Colorado Community College Students

The 黑料门 works closely with the Colorado Community College System (CCCS) to offer seamless transfer opportunities. Guaranteed Transfer Pathways and Guided Pathways (Degrees with Designation) are collaborative programs designed to ensure the credits earned at community college transfer to DU and count toward completing your bachelor's degree.

Guaranteed Transfer

The 黑料门 accepts courses transferred from Colorado Community Colleges as part of their Guaranteed Transfer Pathways program. Credit from GT Pathways courses is guaranteed to transfer into bachelor's degree programs at DU.

A list of individual GT Pathways courses and their transfer credit hour equivalencies is available at . Choose Colorado from the State or Province drop-down menu and click List Schools. Then, choose Colorado Community College System from the drop-down menu and click Display Course Equivalencies.

Guided Pathways (Degrees with Designation)

Guided Pathways are sets of courses that offer community college students the chance to earn a 60-credit associate's degree with a designation in their chosen field. These credits transfer fully into specific DU degree programs, allowing students to enroll with junior status and go on to earn bachelor's degrees in their designated fields. The following documents detail the required courses for each available designation, as well as their credit hour equivalencies at DU.